Day 6: Via Ferrata climbing and Gorges de Galamus

Saturday 11/7/2020 

Early breakfast at 7 am since we would like to be first on the Via Ferrata “Panoramique” climbing Trail. Cool weather either. Camping guy hands out the climbing equipment (harness and helmet) and gives us the security briefing. And off we are. 

Here are a few pictures and vids :

In total it took us 2,5 hours to do the full climb to the summit and the walk down on the other side of the mountain. Fantastic experience for both of us.

Second part of the day brings us from Saint-Paul-de-Fenouillet to the “Gorges de Galamus”, a famous canyon with a tiny road connecting the Pyrennées with the Aude canton. Fortunately forbidden for camping cars and busses. You can join us on the ride through the canyon in the 5 minute video below :

The region is called Fenouillèdes and it has amongst the best motorcycle roads I have seen so far. Hilly landscape and fast changing nature: everything between woods, valleys, canyons, mountain passes, fields ….

Short stop for a coffee and ice cream in a small village called Eus.

After another 100 km of pure riding pleasure we arrive in Casteil, our starting point for another climb tomorrow morning to the “Pic du Canigou”.